The Barakah Effect: More With Less

Release Date: Rajab 1445H/Jan 2024 insha'Allah!


Alhamdulillah, by Allah's permission and tawfeeq, I'm excited to announce that my new book, "The Barakah Effect: More With Less," is set to be released in Rajab 1445H/January 2024.

This book is a culmination of years of research, training, and coaching on living a life of Barakah and offers readers a renewed perspective on how to live more with less.

Insha'Allah, we'll start accepting pre-orders for the book in Jumada I 1445H (Nov 2023). Please click below to register your interest in pre-ordering your book. 👇

Thank you so much for your support, and I can't wait to get the book in your hands insha’Allah.