The Barakah of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم


One of the hardest chapters that I had to write in The Barakah Effect book was the chapter on the Barakah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

How do you even begin to describe someone who was the very embodiment of Barakah, a true gift to all humanity? 

But as I delved deeper, I realized that the Barakah of our Prophet ﷺ is like a multifaceted diamond, each facet reflecting a different aspect of his blessed existence. Let me share with you the three beautiful dimensions I discovered:

1. Barakah in his very being

Wherever the Prophet ﷺ went, Barakah followed. When Halima Al-Sa'diyya's family took in the orphaned Muhammad ﷺ, their lands flourished, their animals thrived. When Khadijah (RA) entrusted him with her trade caravan, profits soared. When he migrated to Madinah, Allah blessed so much Barakah in that city. 

2. Barakah in his life journey

We often equate Barakah with material success. But when we look at the life of our Prophet , we appreciate a different perspective on Barakah.  Orphaned at birth, losing his mother at six, facing poverty, enduring the loss of six children. Yet, through it all, he remained a beacon of perfect character and unwavering faith.

This taught me something - Barakah isn't about having an easy life. It's about the goodness of character that shines through even in the darkest times. It's about being God-centered, Akhira (hereafter focused), and purpose and impact-driven throughout your life.

3. Barakah in his daily routine

You know how we're always curious about the daily habits of successful people? Well, we have access to the routine of the most influential person in history! From his wake-up time to his sleep schedule, every aspect of the Prophet's ﷺ day is filled with Barakah. (If you're interested, I've got a free online course called "Prophetic Routine Balance" that dives deep into this - I'd love for you to check it out!)

You might be wondering, "This is all great, but how do I bring this Barakah into my own life?" Here are some practical ways we can try to connect with the Prophet's ﷺ Barakah:

  • Shower him with Salawaat: Make it a habit to send abundant Salawat upon him throughout your day. I personally love to dedicate 10-15 minutes in the morning or evening to just saying "Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammad." It's a beautiful way to start or end the day.

  • Walk in his footsteps: Try to incorporate elements of his daily routine into your life. Even small things like smiling more or being mindful of which foot you use to enter different spaces can be powerful reminders.

  • Embody his character: The next time you're in a tricky situation, ask yourself, "What would Prophet Muhammad ﷺ do?" It's amazing how this simple question can guide us towards better decisions.

  • Immerse yourself in his life: Study his seerah, follow his sunnah, visit his mosque if you have the chance. The more we learn about him, the more we can spread his beautiful message to others.

I want to leave you with a little challenge: This week, try to implement just one aspect of the Prophet's ﷺ routine or character in your daily life. It could be as simple as greeting others with a smile or waking up a bit earlier for Tahajjud. Then, if you feel comfortable, share your experience with me or on social media using #BarakahMuhammad. I'd love to hear how it impacts your day!

Remember, every small step we take towards following our beloved Prophet ﷺ is a step towards bringing more Barakah into our lives and the lives of those around us.

May Allah SWT make us worthy followers of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, emulating him in both the big and small things, and may He use us to spread the Barakah of our beloved Prophet ﷺ to others. Ameen.


P.S. If you found this email beneficial, please share it with a friend who might appreciate it too. Let's spread the Barakah together!