Embracing Slow Productivity: Introducing the 10 Habits Dhul-Hijjah Course

Discover the power of slow productivity and transform your life with our 10 Habits Dhul-Hijjah Course!


I recently had the pleasure of reading Cal Newport's new book on "Slow Productivity," and I must say, it deeply resonated with our Barakah Culture approach to productivity.

Cal highlights three key principles that we can all embrace:

  1. Do fewer things

  2. ⁠Work at a natural pace

  3. ⁠⁠Obsess over quality

In our fast-paced, ever-demanding lives, it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to accomplish everything simultaneously, at breakneck speeds, and often at the expense of quality.

However, when we adopt the #GardenerMindset (a concept I explore in depth in my book, The Barakah Effect), we become more intentional about our tasks. We learn to work deliberately and unhurriedly while ensuring we complete our responsibilities with Ihsaan.

In the spirit of slow productivity and taking things at a natural pace, I am excited to introduce a unique 10-day course that our certified partners have put together for the ten blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah called “The 10 Habits of Highly Productive Muslims

This "back-to-basics" course is designed to help you master the ten essential habits every Productive Muslim must adopt.

What's unique about this opportunity is that you'll leverage the best ten days of the year to learn the 10 Habits and receive coaching from our certified partners, who will address any questions about practically integrating these 10 Habits into your daily life.

If you've ever yearned for an opportunity to 'reset' your life and cultivate habits that can truly make a difference, this is the opportunity for you.
