How to prepare for your daily battles ⚔️?

Your daily battle plan


If I were to ask you to go into a battlefield without a weapon or shield, you'll probably think I'm crazy and have a death wish for you.

But if, instead, I sent you to a battlefield with weapons and protective gear, you'll probably feel more confident to fight and not give up so quickly.

Similarly, Allah SWT sent us to this dunya (worldly life) with its daily struggles and battles. We face enemies within us and outside of us every single day. If we arm ourselves - spiritually, physically, and socially - we'll end each day triumphant, and inshaAllah, when we meet Allah SWT, we'll have passed the test of life.

If, however, we stumble on this battlefield each day, unprepared, distracted, not knowing how to fight or protect ourselves, while our nafs, shaytaan, and other forces throw their full weight on us... we'll reach the end of each day defeated. Worse still, we’ll reach the end of our life with that crushing feeling of regret that we could have done better.

So how do we prepare for these daily battles?

  1. Set powerful intentions for each day: Start your day with a powerful intention that will give you that 'fire' to engage in the battle of life and not fall prey to procrastination and distraction.

  2. Strengthen Your Spiritual Armor: Pray your daily prayers on time, recite your morning and evening athkar, have a daily portion of Quran that you never miss. Keep your heart conscious of Allah SWT throughout the day and you'll see how your lower self and shaytaan will have little influence over you.

  3. Build Up Your Physical & Mental Strength: Prioritize your physical and mental health just like you prioritize anything important in life. If you're busy, adopt a "something-is-better-than-nothing" mindset. Go for a quick walk, do some simple exercises at home. Your physical and mental strengths have a direct impact on how you engage in your daily battles of life.

  4. Use Your Most Powerful Weapon: We all know the hadeeth that Dua (supplication) is the weapon of the believer. But here's the catch - a weapon that's not used is ineffective. So pick up this weapon every day, multiple times a day, and ask Allah for help. Small things, big things - ask Him. Remember, you can't fight this battle alone - you need Allah by your side. “Your Alone we worship, You Alone we seek help from” (Quran 1:5).

  5. Gather Support: Speaking of not fighting battles alone - having the right people by your side is a matter of life and death in a real battlefield. Similarly, your family and friends play an important role in how you're able to handle the daily struggles of life with strength and determination. Invest in your relationships, and don’t let ego and shaytaan ruin them for you.

Some might ask: "Why view life as a battle? Why not simply go with the flow and enjoy life as it comes?"

The answer is clear: Our enemies never rest. When we lower our guard, we risk being swept away by desires, doubts, and distractions that lead us far from Allah's path. Every day brings new tests of our iman, our character, and our resolve. We have to be ready.

With proper preparation and Allah's help, we can face these challenges with confidence. Each battle becomes an opportunity for growth, each struggle a chance for reward.

I ask Allah SWT to grant us the strength to face life's battles with unwavering faith. Grant our Ummah victory and dignity, and keep us steadfast until our final breath. Ameen.


P.S. We’re preparing the release the new version of the Productive Muslim Program, register your interest here: This is a practical program that helps prepare and win the daily battles of life, insha’Allah!