[Infographic] The Road map from Niyyah to Published book

A 3-stage process to complete your book in 12 months


Today, I want to share something special with you.

It's an infographic of the roadmap I follow to write my books and the one I'll teach in my upcoming masterclass that starts this Saturday insha'Allah.

Here it is:

I like to divide the above infographic into a 3-stage process from the intention of writing a book to a published manuscript.

STAGE 1 - From Niyyah to Book Proposal

The first step is to get super clear on WHY you want to write a book in the first place. From an Islamic perspective, you want to be clear on your intention. Once you clarify your intention, think through the core message you want to deliver in the book and how best to structure this. This would be captured in a book proposal that builds a business case study of why you should write the book.

STAGE 2 - From Outline to First Draft

Stage 2 is all about gathering your research and writing material and organizing it into a system that makes writing much easier. You want to frontload as much of the research/thinking at the beginning of your writing journey before you write your first draft. Once you feel ready with all the material, you can sit and power through your first (embarrassing) draft and try to finish it as quickly as possible.

STAGE 3- From Draft to Bestseller

Stage 3 is the most critical, and many authors skip it. You want to go back and rewrite your book many times, working with a developmental editor to turn your embarrassing first draft into a high-quality book. This is the most painful part because you want to rush and publish the book. But take time with this process, and you won't regret it when the book finally comes out.

I hope you found the above infographic and the explanation of the three stages beneficial in your journey to write your book.

I'm excited to meet cohort 1 of the Book-Writing Masterclass this Saturday. If you still need to sign up - join us! 
