Introducing Your Book Writing Coach

[3 days left] Early Bird Discount Ending Soon!

📣 Book Writing Program - Early Bird Discount Ends in less than 3 days!


Alhamdulillah, I'm thrilled to announce that best-selling author and book coach, Na'ima B. Robert, will lead the coaching program in our upcoming book writing program. She'll host live coaching events and review your book proposal and manuscript!

Here's Na'ima introducing herself and sharing how she'll be involved in our community:

About Na'ima:

Na'ima B. Robert is a pioneering media personality, accomplished book coach, and best-selling author. Her works include 'From My Sisters' Lips' and nearly 30 other books translated into over 14 languages. Notable titles like 'Show Up: A Motivational Manifesto for Muslim Women' and 'Let it Go' (co-authored with Mufti Menk) showcase her versatility. A recipient of several literary awards, Na'ima is respected for her diverse fiction writing. As the founder and Editor-in-Chief of SISTERS Magazine for a decade, she touched the lives of thousands of readers and launched the careers of numerous writers. Na'ima is set to present the upcoming show, The Muslim Bookshelf, and brings her expertise as an experienced developmental editor. For the past five years, she has trained thousands of Muslim women as a sought-after book coach, helping dozens become published, award-winning authors.

If you want access to our course, community, and live coaching by Na'ima, join the book writing program soon. Remember, the early bird discount ends this weekend, after which the price will increase.

Work alongside me, Na'ima, and our entire book-writing community to turn your book from a dream into reality. This is truly a dream team coming together to support your journey.

Bismillah - let's write that book!


P.S. Don't let this opportunity slip away. The early bird discount ends in just 3 days. Sign up now to lock in the lower price and start your book-writing journey with expert guidance!