Are you part of the sandwich generation?


Are you familiar with the term "sandwich generation"?

The generation that's taking care of elderly parents while raising young kids?

If you're in this situation, you know firsthand how emotionally exhausting, financially challenging, and physically tiring it can be.

You often find yourself torn between caring for aging and ailing parents gradually losing their independence and raising your children to become healthy, educated, and independent adults.

Add to this mix: work, marriage, finances, and an ever-growing list of to-dos, and you can easily feel overwhelmed, stressed, and burnt out.

So how to deal with this challenging season of life?

Honestly, as I'm currently going through this season of my life myself, I've come to appreciate the years of productivity training and research that have helped me navigate how to optimally manage my energy, focus, and time.

From prioritizing sleep cycles and naps and making time for exercise to scheduling focused work sessions and incorporating journaling into my routine, these techniques have become true lifesavers for me (you can learn most of these techniques from my book "The Productive Muslim: Where Faith Meets Productivity).

I have to admit - some days are tougher than others - and not all the above techniques work all the time. But they do help keep you grounded and give you a structure to your day to follow so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Recently, one of our certified partners for The Productive Muslim Company, Suher Khirallah, wrote an incredible article detailing 10 invaluable tips she learned from caring for her parents for 20 years. I highly recommend reading it, as it provides valuable guidance on one aspect of being a part of the sandwich generation: caring for your parents. Read the article here.

If you have personally lived through the sandwich years, I would love to hear from you! Please hit reply and share what has helped you not only survive but thrive during these tough years.

Thank you so much, and have a great rest of your week!

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