Reflections on 1445H: Trials, Barakah, and New Beginnings

Dear Productive Muslim Community, 

Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh,

Alhamdulillah, we find ourselves at the end of another Hijri year reflecting on all the blessings that Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon us and holding ourselves accountable for all the shortcomings from our Nafs and whispers of Shaytaan.

Despite the pain our Ummah is feeling due to the events in Gaza and Sudan, we are witnessing an awakening spirit in our collective consciousness. These events—more than ever—call us to be agents of change and not let the circumstances defeat us but instead instill a sense of urgency and high himmah to elevate our Ummah.

On a personal note, 1445H was a challenging year for me. With my father's illness and passing, and with uncertainty surrounding my personal and family situation—I was not able to commit to the company as much as I wanted. I had to embrace the gardener mindset and truly let go and alhamdulillah, Allah (SWT) not only helped us survive but thrive through our incredible team and community members like you. 

Our company's intention is to graduate spiritually-intelligent leaders who impact the Ummah. We never felt the urgency of this more than during 1445H.

We fulfill this intention by delivering content and programs that transform educated, highly skilled professionals into Barakah Culture ambassadors who have high himmah intentions and dedicate their lives to impactful projects like writing meaningful books, running impactful businesses, or using their energy, focus, and time to live the best version of themselves spiritually, physically, and socially.

In 1445H, by Allah's permission and tawfeeq, we delivered:

We also launched The Barakah Effect book—a manual for the Barakah Culture lifestyle—in hardback, kindle, and audiobook. Alhamdulillah, it reached #1 in Amazon's Islam category within weeks of launch. Book launches followed in Indonesia, UAE, and the UK, with more planned for 1446H insha'Allah.

Holding myself accountable, I acknowledge that I failed to keep up with my regular newsletters and writing in 1445H. I hope to improve this in 1446H insha'Allah.

Finally, please make dua for the entire team. We have big intentions that we ask Allah to help us fulfill. Your support and duas mean a lot to us. We ask Allah SWT to continue this work sincerely for His sake and to level up our impact globally in 1446H with your support, insha'Allah.
