⏳ Slow Down with These 10 Habits

Upcoming Events in London, Dubai, and Bradford!


Have you noticed how time is flying?

You start the week; before you know it, it’s the weekend. A month begins and ends in a blink. The year starts, and suddenly, it’s almost over. If you’re not mindful, life simply passes you by, leaving you without a sense of fulfillment or purpose.

Last Monday, I spoke about embracing slow productivity—the idea of doing fewer things at a natural pace and prioritizing quality over quantity. But how can we embrace slow productivity when time seems to fly by so quickly?

The key is to be intentional about each day and focus on a few keystone habits and intentions that truly matter.

Habits such as Salah, Quran recitation, Remembrance of Allah, Fasting, Exercise, Planning, Seeking Beneficial Knowledge, and Maintaining good relations with people slow you down by encouraging you to fill your fast-moving time with meaningful acts that benefit you in this life and the next.

You probably already know about these habits, but have you taken the time to deeply study their importance and how to incorporate them into your daily life?

If you’re interested in learning about these habits and more, and receive coaching from our certified partners, I highly encourage you to sign up for the upcoming 10 Habits of Highly Productive Muslims Course for the 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah.

This is an opportunity to slow down and focus on habits that may not slow down time but will certainly fill your days with meaningful endeavors.

Upcoming Events:

Just a quick note that I’ll be in the following cities in the coming weeks for some workshops and book launches, if you’re around, it would be great to meet up!

  • London (30th-31st May): A 2-day masterclass for executive leaders on spiritual, intelligent productivity. Register here.

  • Dubai (8th June): A workshop and book launch of “The Barakah Effect” hosted by Deensquare and Next Generation School in Dubai. Register here.

  • Bradford (30th June): A workshop and book launch of “The Barakah Effect” at the Bradford Literature Festival. Register here.
