The Urgency of Writing Books for the Ummah ✍🏽

It's Time for an Intellectual Jihad


Our Ummah faces a crisis - not of physical colonization, but of intellectual and spiritual subjugation.

Consider this: Where do your ideas about life, career, relationships, and societal challenges originate? Chances are, most stem from secular, worldly sources that draw little, if any, inspiration from our ultimate guidance: The Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Our understanding of business, marriage, parenting, leadership, and societal organization is largely imported from ideologies emphasizing extreme materialism, individualism, and consumerism. These philosophies lack divine guidance from our Creator, which makes them vulnerable to harming us and turning us away from our faith rather than bringing us closer to Allah (SWT).

The result? We’ve become Muslims in name and ritual, but our hearts and minds are colonized by secular ideas that shape our worldview and lifestyle.

We need a countermovement led by professionals, entrepreneurs, scholars, and leaders who can provide an alternative, faith-based narrative in all walks of life. These narratives must be rooted in an Islamic worldview—God-centered, akhira-focused, and inspired by the Quran and Sunnah.

How do we produce these counter-narratives to combat the onslaught of modern, ego-centered thinking?

The answer lies in the powerful act of writing books.

Throughout history, books have shaped nations and civilizations. If we don't create our own literature guiding us on life, business, marriage, parenting, and societal organization, we'll remain dependent on the very books that perpetuate our intellectual colonization.

Unfortunately, there’s an intellectual laziness that has harmed the Ummah, and now it's time to shake this laziness off and get serious about writing our own narratives.

I believe one of the most crucial forms of Jihad today is intellectual Jihad against false, Shaytaan-inspired narratives disguised as "modernity." The self-help industry, in particular, is a battlefield to focus on, as it significantly influences our mindsets, values, and daily practices.

This urgency has led my team and me to relaunch our book writing program. We aim to empower aspiring faith-based professionals, leaders, scholars, and entrepreneurs to write their first book as a form of intellectual Jihad for the Ummah.

If you feel helpless about the Ummah's current state, be part of the change. Pick up your pen and write a book that captures the Islamic worldview in your area of expertise. Each of these books will serve as a shield, protecting the Ummah's mind and heart from toxic, false narratives.

Want to learn how to write your first spiritual self-help book for the Ummah in the next 12 months? Join me for a special free webinar this Wednesday, 5th Rabi-II 1446H (9th October 2024), where I'll cover:

  • Why do we need more books in the Ummah?

  • Who should consider writing a book?

  • Why you should consider writing a book even though you're not a writer!

  • The six excuses people use for not writing a book.

  • The story of writing the Productive Muslim Book and the Barakah Effect Book.

  • A quick overview of the step-by-step process to go from intention to published author.

  • Next steps if you want to join our Book Writing Program.

Bismillah - let us be part of the solution, not the problem, even if only through writing.
