There's a book inside of you waiting to be written...

The case for why all kinds of people should consider writing a book.


In 2011, a few years after starting the ProductiveMuslim blog, I had an inkling - an itch - to publish my first book.

I wanted to share my message about the link between spirituality and productivity.

At first, I thought it was impossible - after all, I wasn't a "real author," and who would read a book about Islam and Productivity anyway?!

Slowly but surely, guided by Allah's Decree, the inkling became hard to ignore, and I firmly intended to write the book.

Fast-forward to January 2016—five years after my first inkling to write a book—"The Productive Muslim: Where Faith Meets Productivity" became a reality, and I'm beyond thankful (alhamdulillah). My life transformed after the book came out in ways I couldn't have imagined (that's a story for my next email, stay tuned).

I'm sharing this with you because perhaps you have that same inkling/itch inside of you as well…

Perhaps you, too, have a message you want to leave behind for your children, grandchildren, and the Ummah at large.

Last Monday, I shared why we need more authors in our Ummah who can share their practical ideas on a faith-based approach to life.

Guess what? Maybe one of those authors is YOU!

You might think you're not a 'real author' or that no one would be interested in your topic - But what if you push those doubts aside and set the niyyah (intention) to write a beneficial book for your Ummah?

Whether you've never considered writing a book before or have always dreamed of it but weren't sure if you're cut out for it, I'm here to help.

We're starting a new book writing program for aspiring writers who want to turn their ideas into high-quality books. The program starts soon, so we're offering you a free consultation call to help determine if the program aligns with your goals (and for us to assess if you're a great fit for the program). This gives you the chance to discuss your book project and explore how we can support you in bringing your ideas to life.

Let this year - 1446H - be the year that your book is born.

Stop doubting yourself - stop putting yourself down - write for your children, write for your grandchildren - write your book. Trust me, the Ummah needs it (and you need it too).
