There’s a book inside of you waiting to be written…

The case for why all kinds of people should consider writing a book.


In 2011, a few years after starting the ProductiveMuslim blog, I had an inkling - a little itch - to publish my first book.

I wanted to share my message about the link between spirituality and productivity.

At first, I thought it was impossible - after all, I wasn't a "real author," and who'd read a book about Islam and Productivity anyway?!

But slowly and surely, guided by Allah's Decree, the inkling was hard to ignore, and I made a firm intention to write the book.

Fast forward to January 2016 - 5 years after my first inkling to write a book - "The Productive Muslim: Where Faith Meets Productivity," became a reality, and I'm beyond thankful (alhamdulillah) as my life transformed after the book came out in ways I didn’t imagine (that’s a story for another email).

I'm sharing this with you to let you know that perhaps you have that same inkling/itch inside of you as well...

Perhaps you, too, have a message you want to leave behind for your children, grandchildren, and the Ummah at large.

Last week I shared how the world needs more Islamic self-help authors.

Guess what? Maybe one of those authors is YOU!

You might think you're not a 'real author' or that no one would be interested in your unique topic - But what if you push those doubts aside and set the niyyah (intention) to write a beneficial book for your Ummah?

Whether you've never thought of writing a book before or always dreamed of writing a book but weren't sure if you're cut out for it. I’m here to help you.

Join me for a free live webinar on Saturday, 2nd Safar 1445H (19th August 2023) at 9 am US central time (local time here) on “How to publish your spiritual self-help book in 12 months or less?”.

During the webinar, I’ll share with you a roadmap that I used to go from having an inkling of a book to a final, high-quality, published manuscript.

Let this year - 1445H - be the year that your book is born.

Stop doubting yourself - stop putting yourself down - write for your children, write for your grandchildren - write your book - trust me, the Ummah needs it.

In my next email, I'll cover five common excuses people use for not writing a book and how to overcome them.

Stay tuned.
